'Spill': artists take on oil spills, (London, Feb 2-12, 2012)

Della Rees and Alke Schmidt are interested in exploring contemporary social and environmental issues and debates through the subversive nature of art’s aesthetic dimension.  In the works created for Spill, the artists have focused on the disastrous impacts caused by oil spills.  Inspired by the contrast between the long-lasting nature of such events and the typically short-lived media attention, the artists map and document such ‘disappeared’ disasters using a very different aestheti

New BP cash: failure of nerve by bosses of cultural institutions

'The announcement from BP that it plans to pump £10m into major arts institutions demonstrates a massively disappointing failure of nerve from the directors and trustees of those institutions. They have passed up an extraordinary opportunity to stand together with the arts community and other threatened essential services to tell the government that there this no shortage of wealth in this country, only a crisis born of inequality, militarism and mismanagement.'

Sam Chase, Art Not Oil, 19.12.12

Cultural or Vultural 2012?

BP is sponsoring the 2012 Cultural Olympiad and London 2012 Festival in the UK. Do you have a creative response to this situation that we might be able to add to our Cultural or Vultural 2012? gallery? If so, please contact us here: info@artnotoil.org.uk or 07709 545116.

Guardian coverage: www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2011/dec/13/tate-bp-partnership-environmental-protests 


Tate Director Serota says decision on BP sponsorship to be made 'soon'

Pressure mounts on Trustees to reject extension of relationship with BP as more than  8,000 Tate Members and visitors sign open letter calling on the art museum to break links with oil company

5 December 2011 – For Immediate ReleaseThe decision about whether or not to renew an increasingly controversial sponsorship contract with oil giant BP is due to be made “soon” according to comments made by Tate Director Nicholas Serota at the Tate Members AGM Friday (2 December).