British Museum ejects BP (on Shakespearian recommendation)!

BP’s wyrd Executives are removed from the Museum by security, accompanied by loud declarations of approval from the other performers. Photo by David Hoffman.

Today (22.7.12), twelve members of the 'Reclaim Shakespeare Company' staged an unexpected protest performance inside the 'Shakespeare: Staging the World' exhibition at the British Museum.

BP’s biggest Olympic ad splattered with oil as protests intensify, 5.7.12

5th July – For Immediate Release

With the Olympics now only three weeks away, protests against Olympic sponsor BP are escalating. Today dozens of BP logos across London were sabotaged, including the UK's most prestigious billboard site at Cromwell Road. [1] Around the capital, protesters hit petrol stations, BP-sponsored cultural institutions[2] and advertising hoardings, protesting against one of the world's most environmentally destructive companies being a major sponsor of the London Olympics.

Reclaim Shakespeare Company strikes twice more...

Photo by David Hoffman; more photos and info: week, the Reclaim Shakespeare Company actor-vists back with a vengeance, jumping onto two BP-sponsored stages and performing guerrilla Shakespeare before startled but receptive audiences. The first, on 27th June 2012...To mark one month before the Olympics opening ceremony, a group of merry players known as the “Reclaim Shakespeare Company” took unexpectedly to the stage at

Reclaim Shakespeare Company: action is eloquence

Members of the newly-formed but up-and-coming Reclaim Shakespeare Company delivered an unexpected birthday present to the Bard on his birthday, (23.4.12), by making an unexpected intervention before the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of 'The Tempest' at his home in Stratford-upon-Avon:

A letter of protest at BP's cultural hijack was published in the Guardian on