









BREAKING! Our campaign against oil sponsorship of the arts has just won 'Best Campaign' at the #CreativeGreen Awards 2020, organised and hosted by the amazing Julie's Bicycle.

This award is for everyone who has been part of this creative movement, from artists to activists, and from arts workers to youth strikers!

Keep Dancing; Memorial Performance for the #Ogoni9

From our friends at Fossil Free Culture in the Netherlands:  

'Last night was 25 years since 9 Nigerian activists were hanged for activism against Shell. Our hearts are with their families & communities. Last night we commemorated their deaths at Shell sponsored NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam. 

We, & so many others, follow in their footsteps;

NEMO offers violent climate denier Shell a podium to present itself as a company with a heart, by accepting their blood money. NEMO, we will not stop until you cut your ties with Shell.

Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw drops Shell sponsorship

Taken from:… 11th September 2020 'All cultural institutions on Amsterdam’s Museumplein – including the Van Gogh Museum, Rijksmuseum and the Royal Concertgebouw – have cut ties with fossil fuel companies. The move was encouraged by artist collective Fossil Free Culture NL (FFCNL), who have been campaigning for the arts to withdraw from fossil fuel company sponsorship for three years.

BP or not BP statement on the reopening of the British Museum

Posted on August 27, 2020 In February, 1500 people joined us to protest BP’s sponsorship of the British Museum. We peacefully occupied the building and grounds for three days to shine a spotlight on the oil company’s impacts around the world, and the ways in which the museum’s own history and that of its sponsor were born out of colonialism and Empire. But as the British Museum reopens today, we will not be protesting. We know that staff at the museum are facing intense pressures as they attempt to reopen the museum in a way that is safe for all.

Art Not Oil coalition statement re. coronavirus

Cultural institutions and arts organisation have taken the difficult decision to shut their doors as part of a nationwide response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Many took this decision unilaterally, rightly prioritising the need to protect the health and safety of their artists, visitors and staff. Many cultural organisations, venues and funders have already done the right thing by giving their staff and those they work with clear assurances that they will be paid and supported during this period. However, many still haven’t.

Shell and London's South Bank part company

From 'Shell’s last two major corporate partnerships with arts organisations come to an end! Its deals with the South Bank Centre and the British Film Institute cost the equivalent of loose change to Shell, so either a) the arts institutions don’t want to be associated with an oil company any more, b) Shell has decided the bad publicity from protests now outweighs any good publicity the deal might get, or c) both of the above.