Anti-fracking flashmob choir sends message to Yoko Ono at Southbank Centre, 9.6.13

On the afternoon of Sunday 9th June, a flashmob of over 30 singers gathered in the foyer of the Queen Elizabeth Hall as audience members arrived for the Shell-sponsored performance by Spira Mirabilis of Richard Strauss’s Metamorphosen. The singers launched into a version of Leonard Cohen’s classic song, Hallelujah, with rewritten lyrics drawing attention to Shell’s controversial human rights and environmental record. They unfurled a banner with Yoko Ono’s quotation ‘Art is a means for survival’ and handed out flyers to audience members. They gave a number of repeat performances around the Southbank which drew applause and support.

Fracking exhibit at FACT, Liverpool, June-Sept 2013

Turning FACT Inside Out focuses on some of the most pressing, controversial
and literally ground-breaking political issues of today.

The main work in the exhibition is called Fracking Futures by French
artists HeHe, it is a miniaturised recreation of a Fracking site complete
with fire, earth tremors, gas and a giant infected water pool in the shape
of Shell's logo.

It's designed to encourage a conversation about the risks and problems
associated with Fracking and fossil fuels.

There's loads of information on their website at 

Flash-choir to sing up a Shell-free Southbank this Sunday 9th June!

Message from Shell Out Sounds:

Hello,On Sunday we visit the Southbank Centre for the third time this year,
because Shell is systematically villainous, and we're turning our
indignation melodic, as it were.It would be excellent if you could spread the word in any way, even if you
can't make it yourself.If you can, come to the Calder Bookshop at midday this Sunday 9th. If
you're mad busy or otherwise, just come to the QEH for 2.30 and holler

'All Rise' on 3rd anniversary of Deepwater Horizon

A message from Liberate Tate:

On the third anniversary of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill we, Liberate Tate, stand witness to the BP trial in New Orleans with a performance at Tate Modern. For five days we whisper extracts from court transcripts throughout the BP sponsored Tate. Watch online Mon 22 Apr to Fri 26 Apr daily 3-4pm (GMT+1) 

BP goes geopolitical? Surely not!

Britain brings Old Masters back to Britain after 234 years

BP is to sponsor a new exhibition of lost masterpieces, which are returning to the UK after 234 years.

The paintings, which originally hung at Houghton Hall in Norfolk, were brought together by Britain's first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole in the 1720s.